Fall 2024 Operational Updates

Parking Rates Increase in September 

Starting September 2024, parking rates on the Davis campus will increase to ensure Transportation Services can meet its obligation to maintain safe and sustainable infrastructure for our campus community. Monthly permits will increase $5 and daily permits will increase $0.25 for L and M zones and $0.50 for A, C+, and C zones.

View Updated Rates

Transportation Services is primarily self-supporting and must generate parking revenue to:

  • Maintain parking areas
  • Improve campus paths and roadways
  • Support the UC Davis Bicycle Program and other campus mobility efforts
  • Pay annual debt of campus parking structures and deferred maintenance expenses for parking facilities


See below for some improvements we've made in the last year:

Traffic Ambassador waiting at the Silo
  • Repainted the bike lane on La Rue Road to improve visibility.
  • Collected more than 1,600 abandoned bikes across campus.
  • Upgraded to LED lighting in the Pavilion Parking Structure and Lot 25 to enhance lighting and energy efficiency.
  • Refreshed paint for ADA spaces, repaired potholes and removed trip hazards across campus.
  • Introduced the Traffic Ambassador Program to help alleviate congestion and enhance safety.
  • Partnered with the City of Davis to launch the Spin shared e-bike and e-scooter program. 

Parking on the Davis campus has stabilized following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to remote work and learning. Parking revenue is more predictable, and Transportation Services is committed to optimizing operational costs, with the goal of keeping rates stable in the future.

New Features in AMP Park

Thanks to valuable community feedback, the latest AMP Park update (iOS version 3.172 and Android version 2.64) introduces new features, including the ability to set a default vehicle, assign vehicle nicknames, and reorder previous parking sessions. Users must update their app to the latest version to access these new features.

AMP Park Updates

Free Transportation Device Registration

Starting September 2024, Transportation Services is piloting a program that will offer free registration for bikes and other transportation devices (scooters, skateboards, etc.)! Registering your device creates a record that it belongs to you. Registration is an important tool to help combat theft on campus and return devices to their registered owners.

How it Works
  • Step 1: Navigate to https://bikeindex.org/ucdavis and follow the steps to register your device. 
  • Step 2: Record the make, model, and serial number of your device and add these details to your profile in Bike Index.
  • Step 3: Pick up your registration sticker at one of the campus distribution centers listed on our website here.


Tips for Preventing Theft
Lock your bike
  • Display Your Registration Sticker: They’re hard to remove and can be a deterrent to thieves.
  • Lock Up: Always lock up your device (we recommend a U-shaped high-security lock) and secure your quick-release components (like wheels and seats) with a cable or chain. 
  • Customize Your Device: Customize your device with stickers, lights and other decorations making it recognizable and hard to resell. 

Transportation Services New URL

We have updated our URL to transportation.ucdavis.edu to better reflect the broad range of programs and services Transportation Services offers, including:

  • Parking operations
  • Motorist assistance 
  • Bicycle and other transportation device safety and education 
  • Commute planning
  • Special events planning
  • Traffic Ambassador Program
  • Mobility Assistance Shuttle Program
  • Heavy Equipment Rental and Repair Program 
  • University Airport operations

Any link to taps.ucdavis.edu will automatically forward to transportation.ucdavis.edu.   

Primary Category

Secondary Categories

bike impacts