Traffic and Parking Code

UC Davis Traffic and Parking Code

Last Updated: July 2024


The provisions of this UC Davis Traffic and Parking Code, hereinafter referred to as Code or UC Davis Traffic Code, are adopted for the purpose of promoting safe and orderly movement of traffic within the boundaries of the University of California, Davis Campus, the University of California, Davis Medical Center (UC Davis Health), Sacramento, or other grounds or properties owned, operated or controlled by The Regents of the University of California and administered by the Davis Campus, (all hereinafter referred to as the University), and for the safe and orderly parking of vehicles and bicycles thereon.

The provisions of the California Vehicle Code are also applicable within the boundaries of the University of California, Davis Campus, the University of California, Davis Medical Center (UC Davis Health), Sacramento, or other grounds or properties owned, operated, or controlled by The Regents of the University of California and administered by the Davis or Sacramento Campus, (all hereinafter referred to as the University).

Parking of motor vehicles and bicycles on the University is limited to specially designated areas as set forth in Chapters four and six of this Code. Fee permissions are required as posted. Vehicles or bicycles parked in violation of the provisions of this Code are subject to fines, immobilization, towing and/or impounding.

All persons who enter onto the University are expected to have knowledge of the provisions of the UC Davis Traffic and Parking Code and are subject to penalties for violations of such provisions. Participation in the parking program is at the discretion of Transportation Services. Suspension of parking privileges may result if circumstances are warranted.

All current provisions of the UC Davis Traffic and Parking Code shall be maintained for public inspection at all times at the University of California, Davis, Police Department, hereinafter referred to as the Police Department, and during business hours at other designated places on the University, including the Transportation Services office on the campus, Parking and Transportation Services office at the University of California, Davis Medical Center (UC Davis Health), Sacramento and other administrative offices of the University of California, Davis.

Questions regarding provisions of the Traffic and Parking Code can be directed to:

  • UC Davis Transportation Services: 530-752-8277
  • UC Davis Health Parking and Transportation Services: 916-734-2687
  • UC Davis Police: Campus: 530-752-1727
  • UC Davis Health Police: 916-734-3841

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Chapter 1: Definitions

Section 1.01. For the purpose of this Code, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, certain terms used herein are defined as follows:

Acrobatic Skating. Acrobatic skating occurs when all wheels of a skateboard, or of both skates, are simultaneously out of contact with the ground during skating.

Alley. For definition refer to CVC 110.

Bicycle. For definition refer to CVC 231.

Bicycle Registration. A distinctive registration distributed by authorized organizations for attachment to a bicycle or other transportation device which is numbered for reference to files which contain the name and address of the bicycle owner and the description of the bicycle or other transportation device, including the bicycle’s or other transportation device's serial number.  

Bicycle Parking Area. Any area designed and maintained exclusively for the parking of bicycles and other transportation devices which is readily identifiable by the presence of bicycle parking racks, slots, pods, or other convenience designed for that purpose and any other area distinctively posted for the express purpose of providing bicycle parking. Bicycle Parking Areas may include furniture specifically designed to facilitate the parking of other transportation devices.

Bicycle Lane. For definition refer to Streets and Highways Code 890.4.

Bicycle Path. For definition refer to Streets and Highways Code 890.4.

Booting. Application of a device intended to immobilize a vehicle.

Closed Core Area. That portion of the main campus which is generally closed to motor vehicle traffic by traffic control devices, posts, bollards, and/or signs.  Access is available to authorized vehicles only. 

Community Service Officer. A member of the Police Department authorized to enforce State codes and University regulations.

Compact Space. Space restricted for use by only those vehicles that can fit within the established space marking and is identified by the presence of a posted sign and/or "Compact" space marking.

Crosswalk. For definition refer to CVC 275.

Delinquent Parking Violation. A citation is considered delinquent when no payment or other arrangements made within 45 days of citation issuance. 

Designated Parking Areas. Areas which may be identified by the presence of signs, curb markings, parking space markings, or other similar devices commonly used to indicate motor vehicle parking spaces or bicycle parking areas.

Electric Bicycle. For definition, refer to CVC 312.5.

Emergency Zone. A curbside required for use by emergency vehicles only and designated by red paint.

Fire Lane. An access roadway for Fire Department vehicles, not less than 20 feet wide, posted with "No Parking at Anytime" signs, and/or bounded on each side by an 8" wide red line.

Impound. The confiscation and storage of a motor vehicle or a bicycle in a location designated by the Chief of Police or Executive Director for Transportation Services. For further definition refer to CVC 22500.1

Landscaping. Any unpaved area that has been planted with grass, or trees or shrubbery or which has been graded or improved for purposes other than vehicle parking including undeveloped fields and agricultural areas, decomposed granite areas, or any paved or brick patio area.

Management Hearing.  A hearing on citations or infractions of this code with one or more members of Transportation Services Senior Leadership Team. Membership of the Senior Leadership Team is at the discretion of the Executive Director, Transportation Services.

Motor-Driven Cycle. For definition refer to CVC 405.

Motorized Bicycle. For definition refer to CVC 406.

Motorized Quadricycle and Motorized Tricycle. For definition refer to CVC 407.

Motorized Scooter. For definition refer to CVC 407.5.

Other Transportation Device. Any non-bicycle device listed in CVC 21113(g).

Park or Parking. To stop or allow to stand, any vehicle including a bicycle, whether occupied or not.

Parking Compliance Officer. Any employee designated by the Vice Chancellor – Finance, Operations, and Administration or the Director of Hospital and Clinics, UC Davis Health who is authorized to control vehicle and/or bicycle parking on the University, and to perform other duties as authorized. 

Parking Services. Refers to Transportation Services (on the main campus in Davis) and Parking and Transportation Services (at the Medical Center in Sacramento).

Pedestrian. For definition refer to CVC 467.

Pedestrian Walk. Any area generally considered to be a sidewalk or walkway and not intended for use by vehicles or bicycles (typically concrete).

Pedestrian Corridor. A specially marked walkway intended for the sole use of persons traveling afoot or persons with physical disabilities operating self-propelled wheelchairs, invalid tricycles, and/or motorized quadricycles.

Police Officer. Any sworn member of the Police Department.

Prohibited Parking. Restriction which may be designated and identified by the presence of signs prohibiting any vehicle, whether occupied or not, to stop or park.

Reckless Skating. Reckless skating occurs when a significant risk of injury to another person, damage to University facilities, or damage to another person's property is created by skating.

Restricted Space. Spaces which may be designated and identified by the presence of posted signs, curb markings, parking space markings or other similar devices commonly used to indicate motor vehicle parking spaces.

Roadway. That portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. A highway is a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular or bicycle travel. Roadway includes streets and parking facilities.

Skating. To propel one's self along on roller skates, inline skates, a skateboard or any similar device.

Space Markings. Lines designating the boundaries of a parking stall or space within which vehicles are required to park.

Traffic. Pedestrians, ridden animals, vehicles, bicycles, and other conveyances either singularly or together, while using any highway or roadway for the purpose of travel.

Traffic Control Devices. Any signs, signals, markings, or devices not inconsistent with this Code or the California Vehicle Code, placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding the public.

University. The property owned by The Regents of the University of California and located at the Davis Campus, UC Davis Health, or other grounds or property owned, operated, or controlled by the Regents and administered by the Davis Campus.

Vehicle. For definition refer to CVC 670.

Violation. The doing of any act prohibited or the failure to perform any act required by this Code or the California Vehicle Code.

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Chapter 2: Authority

Section 2.01. Authority to Create Traffic and Parking Regulations. The Chancellor, on behalf of The Regents of the University of California, is authorized pursuant to Sections 21113 and 39002 of the California Vehicle Code to set forth conditions and regulations pertaining to the operation and parking of vehicles, bicycles, and other transportation devices upon the grounds of the University.

Section 2.02. Application of Regulations. The provisions of this code may be enforced by all duly sworn officers of the Police Department, Parking Compliance Officers (as appropriate) or such persons as are assigned by the Vice Chancellor-Finance, Operations, and Administration or the Director of Hospital and Clinics, UC Davis Health.

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Chapter 3: Enforcement


Section 3.01. Authority of Police, Parking, Bicycle, and Community Service Officers. It shall be the duty of the members of the Police Department and such persons as are authorized by the Vice Chancellor-Finance, Operations and Administration or as appropriate, the Director of Hospital and Clinics, UC Davis Health, to enforce all of the provisions of this Code and all applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code on the University, as provided by applicable sections of the Education Code and of the Penal Code of the State of California.

Section 3.02. Required Obedience to UC Davis Code. Violations of this Code or the California Vehicle Code on University property are subject to citation in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code, the California Penal Code, or other California statutes. Procedures for contesting parking violations shall be conducted in accordance with Sections 40215 and 40230 of the California Vehicle Code. The University may enforce any section of the California Vehicle code per Section 21113(a) of the California Vehicle Code.

Section 3.03. Exemption of Certain Vehicles.

a) The provisions of this Code relating to the operation, parking, and standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle or to the operator of any vehicle of Police or Fire Departments, any public ambulance or any public utility vehicle, when any such vehicle is operated in the manner specified in the California Vehicle Code in response to an emergency. Transportation Services and Police Department bicycle patrols shall be exempt from the provisions of the UC Davis Traffic and Parking Code.

b) The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver of any vehicle from the consequences of their willful disregard for the safety of others.

c) Any vehicles of the UC Davis Facilities Services, City of Davis, County of Yolo, County of Sacramento, County of Solano, State of California, federal government, or firms under contract to the University while in use for the construction or maintenance work upon the grounds of the University, any vehicle used by the United States Postal Service or the campus Mail Service for the collection, transportation or delivery of United States mail or other vehicles may be exempted from certain applicable provisions of this code by Transportation Services or the Police Department.

Section 3.04. When Traffic Devices are Required for Enforcement. No provision of the California Vehicle Code or of this Code for which signs are specifically required for enforcement, shall be enforced against an alleged violator unless appropriate signs are in place and are sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person, giving notice of such provisions of the traffic and parking regulations intended to be in force.

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Chapter 4: Vehicle Parking

Section 4.01. Application of Regulations.

a) The provisions of this Code prohibiting the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle shall apply except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with directions of a police officer, Transportation Services personnel, or official traffic control devices. 

b) All applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) pertaining to the parking of vehicles shall apply anywhere on the University or upon any of the grounds or parking facilities owned or controlled by the University, pursuant to Section 21113 of the California Vehicle Code. 

c) Vehicles parked, stopped, or standing in violation of any section of the UC Davis Traffic and Parking Code or the California Vehicle Code (CVC) will be issued a notice of parking violation.  Notice may be attached to the vehicle in violation or, pursuant to CVC Section 40202(d), mailed to the registered owner in instances when a citation cannot be placed on the vehicle.

Section 4.02. Parking Permission Required. Except as provided in this Section, all vehicles parked anywhere on the University must possess a valid University parking permission to park. Since Transportation Services adopted License Plate Recognition systems to check a vehicle’s license plate number for a valid permission, vehicles must be parked in a manner not to conceal or modify the vehicle’s license plate number.

University parking permissions are valid only in designated parking facilities.  Where parking facilities are appropriately posted, all vehicles parked in such facilities are required to purchase the permission valid for that zone.  Descriptive maps which indicate permissions required for each parking facility are available online.

a) Certain Vehicles are Exempt. Federal, State, University, County or City owned vehicles bearing identifying license plates may be exempt from selected permission requirements (when applicable parking fees are current), excluding the campus core area (see Section 4.05(a) and (b)).

b) Certain Times are Exempt. Permits are required on the main campus during those times indicated by signs posted in all permission parking areas: generally exempt are Saturdays, Sundays and University holidays (except when parking attendants are present during special events).  Permits are required at the UC Davis Health, Sacramento, at all times, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including University Holidays.

Permits are required in Housing areas (Solano Park, Primero Grove, The Colleges, Russell Park, Orchard Park, La Rue Park, West Village and Cuarto) and in restricted spaces 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

c) Certain Areas are Exempt. Permits are not required in Passenger Loading Zones designated by yellow curb markings or in posted time zones designated by time limit signs or green curb markings, providing vehicles do not exceed the posted maximum time except Limited Time Zones marked by the applicable sign.  

d) Availability of Permissions. Parking permissions are available to eligible students, faculty, staff employees and certain vendors though the Transportation Services office during normal business hours or by the University-adopted smartphone app. Visitor (daily) parking permissions are also available at permission dispensing machines located at specified parking facilities on the University or on the University-adopted smartphone app.  

e) Closed Core Area. In the provision of access to the closed core area, the objectives of the UC Davis Center Core Area Access Management Policy shall apply.  It is intended to limit access to the closed core area, reduce vehicular traffic, restrict movement during class break, reduce the potential of collisions, encourage alternative transportation, and restrict parking within the campus core area. 

f) Non-Affiliate Permits. A daily or hourly permission is required for all vehicles parked in Daily C and Daily L zones. On the main campus, after 5pm these permissions are also valid in select Daily A zones.  At the UC Davis Health, daily permissions are valid only in designated facilities, seven days a week.

g) Special Events. Permissions and associated fees unique to special events may be required to park in locations designated as special event parking areas.

Section 4.03. Failure to Respond to Parking Violation. It is the responsibility of the registered owner or other person responsible to respond to any and all parking violations. A proper response is to pay the violation fine, or to contest the citation through the administrative process. While the citation itself is the notice, a courtesy notice may be sent to the registered owner or known user of the vehicle. When a citation is not responded to within 30 days of citation issuance, the citation will be considered delinquent, and delinquent fees will be added to the original violation. 

a) Any vehicle with 3 or more delinquent parking violations, or $400.00 or more in citations is subject to immobilization or immediate towing of the vehicle. The registered owner or other responsible person of immobilized vehicles will have three business days to schedule an SLT Hearing. Should no hearing be scheduled within this time frame the vehicle will be impounded at the owner’s expense.  No vehicle will be released without payment of all outstanding fines, or an approved payment plan in place with Transportation Services. 

Section 4.04. DELETED.

Section 4.05. Restricted Parking Areas. Where spaces are appropriately posted to indicate that parking is restricted to the use of certain individuals or vehicles, all vehicles parked in such spaces must conform to the posted restrictions or are required to have the express permission of the Executive Director for Transportation Services or UCDH Parking Manager or their designees. Spaces referred to include but are not limited to those spaces set aside for: persons with physical disabilities, housing officials in and around residence hall areas, service vehicles and Administrative Officers of the University. Unless exempted in Section 4.02 of this chapter or by California Vehicle Code, vehicles using such restricted parking spaces must possess the appropriate University parking permission. Unless posted otherwise, restricted parking spaces are enforced 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

The restricted core area of campus is closed to general traffic. Vehicular access to this area will generally be limited to no more than one hour unless otherwise designated for University-related purposes only and provided when other access options are not feasible. Parking is limited to parking lots and off-street parking spaces. Requests for vehicular access will be evaluated by Transportation Services. For additional information, see UC Davis Policy and Procedures Manual Section 360-05.

a) Restricted Central Campus Parking: Core Area—On Street. The parking of vehicles on the streets within the restricted (gated) core area of the main campus is prohibited, unless designated by signs. Exceptions to this restriction may be provided by Transportation Services.

b) Restricted Central Campus Parking: Core Area—Off Street. The parking of motor vehicles in parking areas within the restricted (gated) campus core is prohibited unless express authorization has been provided by Transportation Services and with appropriate permission

c) Restricted Central Campus: Core Area—Access. Use of the core area as a short cut is prohibited and subject to citation (exception to this restriction may be provided by Transportation Services). Vehicles that disregard central campus lock-down during class breaks, drive through or around gates/bollards to enter the core area or exceed the 15 MPH speed limit are in violation and subject to citation.

d) Reserved Lots for Residents of Campus Housing. The parking of any vehicle in a parking lot reserved for residents of campus housing (Orchard Park, Solano Park, Russell Park, La Rue Park, Primero Grove, The Colleges, West Village, and the Cuarto Complex) is prohibited unless the vehicle displays the appropriate valid housing permission.

e) Campus Housing Permits on Campus. Parking permissions issued by campus housing offices for Orchard Park, Solano Park, Russell Park, La Rue Park, Primero Grove, The Colleges, and West Village are not valid in campus parking lots.

Section 4.06. Limited Time Zone Parking. No vehicle shall park in a limited time (LT) zone without payment of the appropriate fee neither shall any vehicle remain in the same limited time zone past the maximum posted time. Each consecutive instance of parking beyond the maximum limit posted shall constitute a separate violation.

Section 4.07. DELETED.

Section 4.08. Signs or Curb Markings to Indicate No Stopping and Parking Restrictions. Subject to the provisions and limitations of the California Vehicle Code and those of this Code, signs or the following curb markings shall be placed to indicate parking or standing said curb markings shall have the meanings as herein set forth.

When signs or curb markings as authorized under this Code are in place, no persons shall stop, stand or park a vehicle adjacent to any such legible sign or curb marking in violation thereof. Zones described in subsections below this section, shall be applicable at all times, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays.

a) Red shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time except as permitted by the Vehicle Code and except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed a bus zone.

b) Yellow shall mean no stopping, standing, or parking at any time for any purpose other than actively loading or unloading of passengers or materials. Loading or unloading of passengers shall not consume more than five minutes, nor the loading or unloading of materials more than 30 minutes. In the absence of yellow curb markings, signs will be posted to clearly indicate that the area is restricted to loading or unloading only.

The Executive Director for Transportation Services or their designee may upon application issue temporary permissions for loading and unloading for a greater period than specified in Section 4.08 (b).

c) White shall mean no stopping, standing, or parking for any purpose other than actively loading or unloading of passengers which shall not exceed five minutes. Such restrictions shall always apply.

d) Green shall mean no standing or parking for longer than fifteen minutes at any time unless otherwise posted.

Section 4.09. Parking Space Markings.

a) No vehicle shall be stopped, left standing, or parked other than within a single marked parking space.

b) Oversized Vehicles. A temporary parking permission must be obtained from the Transportation Services office for any oversized vehicle which, because of its size or shape, cannot be parked within a single space. A parking permission is required for each space occupied.

c) Only one vehicle is allowed per marked space.

d) Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and motorized bicycles must park in designated motorcycle parking areas. Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and motorized bicycles may not park in automobile spaces (meters/Limited Time spaces are exempt) unless permission has been provided by an authorized employee of Transportation Services.

Section 4.10. Overtime Parking. When signs are in place giving notice and specifying specific time limits of parking on any portion of the University, no person shall park, store or leave standing any vehicle for a period in excess of the time limit. Each consecutive instance of parking beyond the maximum limit posted shall constitute a separate violation.

Section 4.11. Parking Prohibited. No vehicle shall be parked in any area or upon any street or roadway or portion thereof when authorized signs or markings are in place prohibiting the same. Signs will designate such areas by bearing the legend "No Parking Anytime" or "No Parking."

Section 4.12. Removal of Vehicles. In accordance with the California Vehicle Code, any duly sworn officer of the Police Department or duly authorized employee of Transportation Services is authorized to remove or cause the removal of any vehicle from the University to the nearest storage facility or other place of safety.

Section 4.13. Temporary "No Parking" Signs. The Executive Director for Transportation Services is authorized to erect or place temporary "No Parking" signs on the University when necessary to prevent traffic congestion. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing in violation of such temporary restrictions.

Section 4.14. Parking in Landscaped/Unpaved Areas. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing anywhere on the University in or upon a landscaped or unpaved area that is not marked for parking. For the purpose of this Section, a landscaped area shall be defined as any unpaved area that has been planted with grass, ornamental trees or shrubbery or which has been graded or improved for purposes other than vehicle parking including undeveloped fields and agricultural areas or any paved or brick patio area. (Authorized University utility and emergency vehicles may be exempt)

Section 4.15. Blocking Traffic. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing so as to interfere with or impede the normal flow of traffic.

Section 4.16. Blocking Ramps. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing to interfere with or impede the normal movement of wheelchairs upon ramps installed for the purpose of assisting the movement of persons with disabilities.

Section 4.17. Permissions Property of the University. Parking permissions are the property of the University and may be invalidated, revoked, confiscated, canceled or recalled. The use of a parking permission is limited to the person who purchases the permission. Permissions are not transferable.

a) Only one vehicle may be parked on campus at any time. Two vehicles registered to a single permission on campus at any one time constitute a violation of this section.

Section 4.18. Invalid Permits.

a) Canceled, Altered or Expired Permits, Plates or Placards. Canceled, forged, counterfeited, falsified, altered or expired University parking permissions, state issued plates and placards are invalid. The use of such permissions or placards is prohibited and subject to appropriate University administrative action and/or penalties. Canceled, altered, forged, counterfeited, or falsified University permissions, state plates and placards may be confiscated or destroyed in any reasonable manner by any officer of the Police Department or any authorized Transportation Services staff. In addition to University action and penalties, any person who knowingly uses a canceled, altered, forged, counterfeited, falsified or expired parking permission, plate or placard for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining parking privileges on University property may be subject to penalties as set forth in appropriate sections of the California Penal Code.

b) Use of Lost or Stolen Permits, Plates or Placards. The use or display of permissions, plates or placards reported lost or stolen is prohibited and subject to appropriate University administrative action and/or penalties. Permits, plates or placards that have been reported lost or stolen may be confiscated at any time in any reasonable manner, by any officer of the Police Department or any authorized Transportation Services staff. In addition to University action and penalties, any person who possesses or displays a lost or stolen permission, plate or placard may be subject to penalties set forth in appropriate sections of the California Penal and Vehicle Codes.

Section 4.19. Charging Station Permission Required. Electric vehicles are required to pay for access or display the appropriate permission when utilizing charging stations or electrical outlets on campus.

a) Electric vehicle must be actively charging. Electric Vehicles parked in designated Electric Vehicle Fueling zones must be actively charging. Vehicles shall be removed to a general parking stall when not actively charging unless otherwise indicated by posted signage.

Section 4.20. Parking on Pedestrian Walks and Bicycle Paths. No motor vehicle or motorized bicycle shall be parked or left standing on any pedestrian walk, pedestrian corridor, or bicycle path in such a manner as to block, impede or hinder the movement of bicyclists or pedestrians.

Section 4.21. Parking in Bicycle Parking Areas.

a) No motor vehicle shall be parked or left standing in any bicycle parking area or bicycle parking lot.

b) No motor vehicle shall be parked or left standing adjacent to any curb designated as a bicycle parking area.

c) Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and motorized bicycles shall not be parked in designated bicycle parking areas.

Section 4.22. Blocking Fire Lane. No vehicle, motorcycle or motorized bicycle shall be parked or left standing within the boundaries of a designated fire lane.

Section 4.23. Lodging in a Vehicle/Overnight Parking.

a) It is unlawful to dwell overnight or lodge on campus in any motor vehicle, motor home, trailer, boat, or house car on the grounds and roadways of the University without specific authorization of the Chief of Police or the Executive Director for Transportation Services or their designee.

b) Overnight parking of vehicles is prohibited. Parking any vehicle described in Section 4.24(a) in any parking area or space between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. is prohibited unless a special permission issued by the Executive Director for Transportation Services or their designee.

Section 4.24. Misuse of Permissions. Parking permissions are made available to students, faculty, staff, and certain vendors for vehicles utilized for transportation to and from the main campus and UC Davis Health.

It is not intended that such permissions be provided for the day-to-day parking of trailers, such as house trailers, camping trailers or other trailers used for dwelling purposes; nor is it intended that such permissions be provided for campers, motor homes, boats or other recreational vehicles that are of a size excessively larger than standard automobiles or pickup trucks. Passenger vehicles may not use parking spaces for long-term storage. These vehicles may be cited or towed from the campus at the owner’s expense.

Section 4.25. Extensive Auto Repair.

a) No motor vehicle shall be parked or left standing in any parking facility in order that extensive repairs may be undertaken on it when such repairs cause the vehicle to remain in the facility in excess of 72 consecutive hours. Emergency repairs of short duration are exempt.

b) In cases of hardship, authorization may be obtained upon application to the Executive Director for Transportation Services or their designee.

Section 4.26. Motor Vehicle Parking/Storage in Buildings. No motor vehicle, motorcycle or motorized bicycle shall be parked, stored or left standing within any building, structure or area not specifically designed for such purpose on the University. The Police Department or Transportation Services are authorized to remove such vehicles immediately and store them at the owner's expense.

Section 4.27. Removal of Markings. No person shall remove, obliterate, or conceal any chalk mark or other distinguishing mark used by any police officer or parking enforcement officer in connection with enforcement of parking regulations. Such an act shall constitute an infraction.

Section 4.28. Parking Spaces for the Disabled.

a) No motor vehicle, motorized bicycle or bicycle shall be parked in parking spaces designated for disabled parking without displaying a legitimately issued disabled placard or plate. Disabled staff, students and faculty are required to display a valid University issued Disabled parking permission in addition to a valid DMV issued placard/plate to park in a disabled parking space. Visitors may be exempt from the additional permission requirement. Parking by any vehicle in a manner that obstructs, blocks or otherwise bars access to disabled parking spaces is prohibited. Individuals who possess valid DMV placards/plates are prohibited from parking in restricted spaces/areas.

b) Individuals are prohibited from displaying a disabled placard/plate that has been altered or reported lost, stolen or canceled. An individual may not display a disabled placard/plate that has been issued to another unless the individual is in the presence of or within reasonable proximity of the disabled person for the purpose of transporting the disabled person.

c) Any member of the Police Department or Transportation Services may request an individual using a disabled placard/plate to present valid identification and evidence of the issuance of that placard/plate to that person.

1) Failure to present the requested identification and evidence of the issuance of that placard shall be a refutable presumption that the placard is being misused and that the associated vehicle has been parked in violation of the provisions of this section.

2) In addition to any other applicable penalty for the misuse of a placard, the officer or parking enforcement person may confiscate a placard being used for parking purposes that benefit any person other than the person to whom the placard was issued by DMV. Misuse of the disabled placard/plate may also be subject to penalties as set forth in the California Penal and Vehicle Codes.

Section 4.29. Loitering within a Parking Facility. No person shall loiter or remain within a parking facility except to park or retrieve a parked vehicle. Failure to comply may result in arrest for trespassing per Section 602 of the California Penal Code.

Section 4.30. Removal of Immobilization Device. No person shall remove, damage, or attempt to drive away, or otherwise interfere with the placement of a boot or Barnacle (vehicular immobilization device).  Any person involved in such acts will be subject to appropriate University administrative action, charges incurred as a result of damage to the device, and to criminal charges under the California Penal and/or Vehicle Code. 

Section 4.31. Registration Required. No person shall drive, move, or leave standing upon a highway, or in an off-street public parking facility any motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, pole or pipe dolly, logging dolly, or auxiliary dolly unless it is registered with current tags properly displayed,  and the appropriate fees have been paid under this code, except that an off-highway motor vehicle which displays an identification plate or device issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to Section 38010 of the California Vehicle Code may be driven, moved, or left standing in an off-street public parking facility without being registered or paying registration fees.  Vehicles displaying expired, illegible or damaged registration stickers are subject to violation.

a) Two license plates required. When two license plates are issued by the department for use upon a vehicle, they shall be attached to the vehicle for which they were issued, one in the front and the other in the rear.

b) Display of Temporary License plates. Temporary license plates or temporary operating permits should only be displayed until a permanent license plate is issued by the department of motor vehicles, or registration for the vehicle is updated. Display of a temporary license plate or temporary operating permit after expiration is in violation of this section.

c) If a vehicle is found illegally parked and there are no license plates or other evidence of registration displayed, the vehicle may be impounded until the owner or person in control of the vehicle furnishes evidence of current and valid vehicle registration.

Section 4.32. Equipment Tampering. Any person who intentionally removes, tampers with or damages any parking equipment, or immobilization device is subject to appropriate University administrative action, fines and charges incurred as a result of damage to or loss of the equipment and/or to penalties set forth in the appropriate sections of the California Penal Code. No person shall use a foreign object such as a tool, key, instrument, wire, slug, unacceptable coin, substance, or device to tamper with a parking meter with the intent to jam or add time to the meter for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining parking privileges on the University. Any damage to an immobilization device while attached to a vehicle is a violation of this section. 

Section 4.33 Parking Fees. No vehicle shall be parked in any parking facility at any time without payment of the established fees. Except as otherwise provided herein, such fees shall be collected from all persons desiring to park vehicles in such facilities, including the officers and employees of the city, the state, the United States of America, or any public or private firm or corporation, or any municipal, state or federal agency or any public district.

a) All fees, rates and charges for the use of the facilities shall be collected from the owner, operator or person in charge of the vehicle desiring to park. It is unlawful for any person to willfully fail to pay the fees, rate and charges for the use of parking facilities after having been given notice to pay. No vehicle may be removed from any parking facility until all fees, rates and charges have been paid and discharged. The inability to pay at the time of exit will result in a parking violation. By entering and parking a vehicle in any University lot, the owner, operator or person in charge of such vehicle shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of this section. The issuance and review of parking violations and delinquent parking violations, and the liability for and payment and collection of parking violation penalties, shall be governed by Sections 40200 et seq., of the California Vehicle Code.

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Chapter 5: Vehicle Operation 

Section 5.01. Applicability, California Vehicle Code. All of the provisions of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) applicable to the operation of vehicles, bicycles, other transportation devices, and equipment required thereon are expressly applicable on the University, pursuant, but not limited to, the following sections of the CVC:

a. 21113: Local Regulation
b. 21200-20213: Operation of Bicycles
c. 21215-21215.5: Operation of Pedicabs
d. 21220-21235: Operation Motorized Scooters
e. 21250-21266: Operation of Low-Speed Vehicles
f. 21280-21282: Operation of Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device (EPAMD)
g. 21290-21296: Operation of Electrically Motorized Boards (also known as “electric skateboards”)
h. 22348-22366: General Speed Laws

Section 5.02. Traffic Control Devices. No motor vehicles other than authorized emergency vehicles or specifically authorized University vehicles shall be permitted to drive between traffic control posts, otherwise referred to as traffic bollards, or to drive around, over or through any posts, barricades, or gates at any time.

a) No vehicles other than authorized emergency vehicles responding to an emergency shall drive over and break a breakaway bollard.

b) No vehicles shall drive around traffic bollards, barricades or gates, or cross landscaped areas, curbs, or any other device designed to control vehicular traffic except authorized emergency vehicles in the performance of duties which require such movements.

c) Any traffic control post removed to allow authorized vehicle passage in a non-emergency situation must be immediately replaced and, if possible, secured by the vehicle operator.

d) No authorized vehicle operated in a non-emergency situation shall enter or leave an area controlled by traffic bollards without its operator replacing and securing any bollard found removed from its socket or reporting any missing or broken bollards to the Facilities Services' Work Order Desk as soon as possible.

e) No person shall use any foreign object or device to open core area gates to gain unauthorized entry.

Section 5.03. Unauthorized Traffic - Campus Core Area. The operation of vehicles, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, motorized bicycles or motorized quadricycles is prohibited upon the roadways within that area on the main campus known as the central campus core unless authorized by Transportation Services or the Police Department. Authorized vehicles allowed to travel within the core area shall obey all rules governing the core area and shall be furnished with a permission indicating an exemption from this provision. The operators of such vehicles shall be obligated to possess appropriate permissions.

Section 5.04. Driving on Landscaped Area. No vehicles other than authorized utility and emergency vehicles shall drive on any landscaped area. For the purpose of this Section, a landscaped area shall be defined as any unpaved area that has been planted with grass, trees or shrubbery or which has been graded or improved for purposes other than use by vehicular traffic including undeveloped fields and agricultural areas, decomposed granite areas, or any paved or brick patio areas. 

Section 5.05. Driving on Sidewalks, Pedestrian Corridors or Bicycle Paths. No motor vehicles, including motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and motorized bicycles; other than specifically authorized vehicles shall be operated on any sidewalk, pedestrian corridor, or bicycle path on the University. In such circumstances, where motor or battery powered vehicles are operated on sidewalks, pedestrian corridors, or bicycle paths, they shall yield the right of way to pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

Section 5.06. Wheelchairs are Exempt. Wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs, electric carts which meet the requirements of the Vehicle Code or similar devices operated by persons with physical disabilities are exempt from the restrictions contained in Sections 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, and 5.05 of this chapter.

Section 5.07. Speed Limit in Parking Lots. The maximum vehicle speed limit in any parking facility or parking area is 10 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.

Section 5.08. Speed Limit in Closed Core Area. The maximum vehicle/bicycle speed limit in the main campus known as the closed core area is 15 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. In general, motorized vehicles provided access to the closed core area shall not move during the break between classes.

Section 5.09. Speed Limit on Campus Bicycle Paths. The maximum speed limit for all traffic on campus bicycle paths is 15 miles per hour.

Section 5.10. Traffic Circles. No vehicles shall enter the center of a traffic circle, except authorized emergency and service vehicles in the performance of duties which require movement into or through the center of a traffic circle.

Section 5.11. Operation of Motorized Wheelchairs. No person shall operate a motorized wheelchair, motorized quadricycle, motorized tricycle or similar devices on the University except a person who by reason of physical disability is otherwise unable to move about as a pedestrian.

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Chapter 6: Bicycles and Other Transportation Devices

Section 6.01. Registration of Bicycles and Other Transportation Devices. All bicycles used, stored, parked or operated on University property shall be registered with a valid University issued bicycle registration. Every bicycle must display a valid University-issued bicycle registration sticker imprinted with a unique registration number. Other transportation devices may be registered with the University. Proof of ownership may be requested to register any bicycle or other transportation device.

Section 6.02. Displaying of Bicycle Registration. Bicycle registration stickers shall be displayed on the front of the seat tube of the bicycle frame consistent with the guidelines outlined in the CVC 39001(b). When not practicable, the sticker should be affixed as near the bottom bracket as possible on the down tube of the bicycle frame. Other transportation devices will have the registration installed in as conspicuous of an area as practicable.

Section 6.03. Impounding of Bicycles and other Transportation Devices. The Police Department and Transportation Services are authorized to impound bicycles and other transportation devices found in violation of this code or that has been reported as stolen to any law enforcement agency or has had its serial number altered or defaced. UC Davis will adhere to the guidance set forth in CIV 2080 governing the storage and return of impounded property. University personnel are authorized to remove and impound a bicycle or other transportation device and the University shall not be liable to the owner of the securing device or the owner of the bicycle for the cost of repair or replacement of such securing device or any damage caused by the execution of the impound.

Section 6.04. Handling and Retrieval of Impounded Devices. Impounded bicycles and other transportation devices will be removed to an area designated for storage and documented following guidance set forth in CVC 2080. Owners must pay an administrative fee and complete campus registration prior to their property being released. Notices will be sent as soon as practicable to the owners of any bicycle or other transportation devices. Applicable impound fee may be waived as determined by authorized University personnel.

Section 6.05. Parking Devices Only Where Permitted. Bicycles and other transportation devices shall be parked, stored, or left on University property only in bicycle parking areas or where designated by the posting of signs indicating parking is allowed.

Section 6.06. Parking of Devices Prohibited in Certain Areas. No bicycle or other transportation device shall be locked or attached to any handrail, tree, shrubbery, door, signpost, lamp, telephone pole, lamppost, fence, or other object not maintained or designated for the purpose of securing bicycles or other transportation devices. No bicycle or other transportation device shall be parked, stored, or left:

a. in any manner that obstructs the regular movement of traffic or in any manner that is identified in any sections of this code.

b. within six feet of an entrance or exit unless parked in a bicycle rack, parking device or marked bicycle space provided within that distance.

c. on any building access or egress ramp.

d. to interfere with or impede the normal movement of disabled persons, pedestrians or bicyclists upon ramps, stairways, or curb cuts.

e. to block or impede the normal flow of traffic on any highway, roadway, street, alley, sidewalk, mall, patio, parking area or bicycle path on University property.

f. on any street, highway, roadway, alley, bicycle path or parking area in an area adjacent to a curb or cement device that is painted red, or any fire lane.

g. on any lawn or landscaped area except in those areas designated as a bicycle parking area by the presence of racks or other parking devices or signs indicating the area as a bicycle parking area. Bicycles parked in designated parking zones may not extend into landscaped areas.

h. on campus for such a duration that it remains unmoved for 72 hours. Bikes unmoved for greater than 72 hours may be marked abandoned and become subject to the impound procedure outlined in this code.

i. on campus in such condition that it can be considered abandoned as evidenced by signs of disuse or neglect.

j. at any residence hall bicycle parking area between the end of spring quarter and the beginning of fall quarter unless its owner is a current resident or employee at the residence hall where the bicycle is located.

Section 6.07. Riding, Parking, and Storing Inside Buildings Prohibited. No bicycle or other transportation devices shall be ridden, parked, stored or left in any lobby, hallway, or room of any building unless said area is specifically designated for bicycle parking. Designated areas must be in accordance with all applicable fire and safety regulations. This Section is not intended to prohibit the storing or parking of a bicycle in an area by any person to which the area or room has been assigned as that person's office or residence, e.g., a residence hall room or apartment. However, the use of any area not assigned for bicycle parking or storage may be restricted when, in the judgement of the person(s) responsible for the area determine that the use of such space for bicycle parking, storage, or conveyance to, interferes with the safety of routine activities normally conducted in the assigned space. A bicycle stored inside a building must not be positioned so as to impede exiting in the event of an emergency.

Section 6.08. Removal of Locks and Locking Devices. Locks or locking devices left on campus, not securing a bicycle or other transportation device may be removed by authorized personnel. University shall not be liable to the owner of the securing device for the cost of repair or replacement of such securing device. 

Section 6.09. Installation of "No Parking" Signs. Transportation Services and the University Police Department are authorized to erect "No Parking" signs applicable to bicycles and other transportation devices on the University as necessary.

Section 6.10. Reserved Bicycle Parking Facilities. Parking in any reserved bicycle parking device, locker, or other reserved facility is limited to bicycles, motorized scooters, or other transportation devices registered to the person to whom the space is assigned, and all applicable fees are current.

Section 6.11. Use of Non-reserved Bicycle Parking Lockers. Non-reserved bicycle parking lockers shall be used for the parking of bicycles, motorized scooters, or other transportation devices only. 

Section 6.12. Reckless Behavior. No person shall skate or ride upon any bicycle or other transportation device in a manner which is unreasonable for conditions then existing or disrupts University operations. This includes acrobatic skating.

Section 6.13. Displaying of Motorized Scooter Registrations. Motorized scooter registrations shall be visibly displayed on the handlebar stem.

Section 6.14. Motorized Scooter Parking, Only Where Permitted. Motorized scooters may be parked, stored, or left on the University following the guidance set forth in Section 6.06 of this code. Refer to CVC 21235(i) for parking prohibitions.

Section 6.15. Motorized Scooter Blocking Traffic. Pursuant to CVC 21235(i), no motorized scooter shall be parked, stored or left so as to block or impede the normal flow of traffic on any highway, roadway, street, alley, sidewalk, mall, patio, parking area or bicycle path on the University.

Section 6.16 Removal of Motorized Scooters in Violation. Whenever any motorized scooter is found in violation of CVC 21235(i) or that has been reported as stolen to any law enforcement agency or has had its serial number altered or defaced, any authorized personnel may impound motorized scooters may remove the securing mechanism using whatever reasonable measures are necessary to impound the motorized scooter. University personnel so authorized to remove and impound a motorized scooter and the University shall not be liable to the owner of the securing device or the owner of the motorized scooter for the cost of repair or replacement of such securing device or any damage caused by the execution of the impound.

Section 6.17. Parking or Storing Motorized Scooters Inside Buildings Prohibited. No motorized scooters shall be ridden, parked, stored or left in any lobby, hallway, or room of any building unless said area is specifically designated for bicycle parking. Designated areas must be used in accordance with all applicable fire and safety regulations. This Section is not intended to prohibit the storing or parking of a motorized scooter in an area by any person to which the area or room has been assigned as that person's office or residence, e.g., a residence hall room or apartment. However, the use of any area not assigned for bicycle parking or storage may be restricted when, in the judgement of the person(s) responsible for the area determine that the use of such space for motorized scooter parking, storage, or conveyance to, interferes with the safety of routine activities normally conducted in the assigned space. A motorized scooter stored inside a building must not be positioned to impede exiting in the event of an emergency.

Section 6.18. Unauthorized Storage Prohibited. No motorized scooter may be parked, stored, or left at any residence hall bicycle parking area between the end of spring quarter and the beginning of fall quarter unless its owner is a current resident or employee at the residence hall where the motorized scooter is located.

Section 6.19. Motorized Scooters in Reserved Bicycle Parking Facilities. Motorized scooter parking in any reserved bicycle parking device, locker, or other reserved facility is limited to motorized scooters registered to the person to whom the space is assigned.

Section 6.20. Motorized Scooters in Non-reserved Bicycle Parking Lockers. No motorized scooter shall be parked in any non-reserved bicycle parking locker for any period more than the time limit posted.

Section 6.21. Class 3 Electric Bicycles on Campus Bike Paths. Pursuant to CVC 21207.5(a), Class 3 electric bicycles may be operated on designated UC Davis bicycle paths and are subject to all the same UC Davis policies that govern the use of other types of bicycles on the campus including, but not limited to, the campus bicycle speed limit.

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