Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Student on her computer

FAQ: Parking Operation Updates 

  • How has Transportation Services responded to COVID-19?
  • March/April 2020 - When the order came to shelter-in-place, Transportation Services suspended all parking enforcement to offer an easement for those needing to maintain campus operations. Initially, the thought was that this cease in parking enforcement would be for a few weeks. As the months passed by, it became clear that the public health crisis was not letting up and our plan was not a sustainable one. Our operations suffered. We had to cancel goClub incentives, including transit subsidies.

    August 2020 - We had run out of reserves and had to resume parking operations.

    July 2020 - Transportation Services introduced new hourly rates for those needing to park on campus for a shorter period of time, and didn’t want to pay for an entire day. This change offered more flexibility in spending on parking.

    October 2020 - Because revenue for Transportation Services declined so sharply in 2020, we had to cut commute incentives for goClub members. However, in October we were able to earmark enough funding to temporarily bring back the complimentary goClub parking passes through the end of December 2020. These passes offer goClub members 2 complimentary days of parking per month, an easement for sustainable commuters needing to drive to campus.

    September 2020 - Transportation Services introduced a 3-part series, the Transportation Tomorrow Forum, to present challenges and discuss changes to parking operations as well as gain feedback from the campus community. (The final installation in this forum was on December 9, though we hope to continue this series in Spring 2021.) 
  • Why are you making these changes when there are not many people on campus or driving to campus?
  • There are fewer people commuting to campus, and introducing changes to parking operations inconveniences a smaller population of people than if the full Aggie community was commuting to campus on a regular basis. As more people return to campus, they can slowly integrate into the upgrades to parking operations.
  • Where did funding to pay for these parking operation updates come from?
  • Funding for updates to parking operations was earmarked in early 2019, prior to COVID-19 and orders to shelter-in-place. Transportation Services’ commitment to sustainable transportation is only temporarily eclipsed by the current public health guidance and budget challenges.

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FAQ: Transportation Services Operations

  • Will there be updates on continuing projects that affect transportation and/or parking?
  • Yes, we make every effort to share project developments with our permit holders, goClub members, and members of the Transportation and Parking Administrative Advisory Committee (TPAAC).
  • Has there been any discussion on offering student employees a discounted permit price?
  • Almost every subgroup of campus affiliates has requested consideration for a parking price discount. Unfortunately, parking fees may differ according to different types of access, proximity to various buildings and locations, use patterns, etc. Parking fees for the same access cannot be differentiated according to groups of individuals (i.e. faculty, students, or staff). (See Citation)
  • When air quality is bad or unhealthy, will there be Spare The Air day for non-permit vehicles, such as a non-enforcement day?
  • We have established a matrix for deciding when to suspend parking enforcement depending on high AQI and high air temperature. Our actions won’t exactly follow the Sacramento Area Spare the Air days, but they may overlap. 

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FAQ: Budget, Permits, and Rates

  • What are the fee increase plans moving forward at UC Davis?
  • We are always evaluating our services and the costs for those services in these unprecedented times. While increased parking costs are certain, the exact number is not yet known. 
  • Is there any protection against how much daily prices change?
  • We set our budget annually, and all permit prices must go through an approval process. While daily prices may adjust with inflation through the years, any increases will be announced in advance. 
  • Will there still be an option for annual permits or will we need to pay for parking daily?
  • As part of the Transportation Tomorrow findings, a daily fee structure encourages daily choices on transportation mode, and they would not pay for parking on the days they bike or walk. With that, we will be discontinuing most monthly/annual permits.
  • Have any other college campuses gone to daily parking payments?
  • Yes, some are in the process. (But UC Davis is the first! in the University of California system.)

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FAQ: Daily Rates 

  • What are the daily rates?
  • Please click here to see our Types and Rates page for a breakdown of all parking rates.
  • How did you decide on the daily rate prices?
  • We looked at how to balance the needs of our affiliates to have an affordable rate, the financial needs for our department, and maintain a sufficient price difference between the rates to reduce congestion and balance demand.
  • Will monthly parking permits still be available for employees?
  • Beginning July 1, 2021, payroll-deducted monthly parking permits will no longer be available for employees to purchase. However, we do offer a Level Rate Parking Program with a monthly rate for those with a staff code.
  • Who is eligible for the campus affiliate daily parking rates?
  • Staff and students are eligible for the (lower) affiliate daily rates.
  • Why was I charged the visitor rate to park and not the cheaper rate?
  • In some cases, you may be charged the visitor rate because you are not an affiliate of UC Davis or set up your AMP Park profile with a non-UC Davis email. Visitors (non-affiliates) are not eligible for the lower daily rates. If none of these cases apply to you, and you feel you were charged the visitor rate in error, please contact parking@ucdavis.edu.
  • Will there be an option for employees to use pre-tax payroll deduction to pay for parking?
  • Yes! Learn more about our Commuter Card Benefits Program here
  • Are graduate student employees considered students for the daily rate structure?
  • Yes, graduate students are students first, as it applies to parking rates. 
  • If I pay in one zone and need to move to another zone later in the day, do I need to pay a daily fee each time I re-park?
  • No, you will only need to pay once a day to park. Before 5 p.m. just be sure to park in the same zone level or a less expensive zone. For example, if you park/pay for a Daily C, then move your car, be sure to park in another Daily C or Daily L area when you return. After 5 p.m, you may re-park in any zone. For example, after 5 p.m., if you park/pay for a Daily C, you may move your car to any open A, C or L Zone. Limited time zones, such as 70-minute and 35-minute areas, are not included. 
  • How do daily rates affect parking reciprocity with other UC campuses?
  • If you need to park on another UC campus, you will need to contact their campus to see if they would honor your daily payment. If so, we can provide you with a courtesy cardstock permit to display on their campus. Email Transportation Services to set up an appointment: parking@ucdavis.edu
  • How will campus guests pay for parking during special events?
  • Event organizers decide if they want to pre-pay their attendee parking or have Transportation Services collect it from them.
  • Will those who carpool need to pay for a daily rate?
  • Yes. Members of the carpool will need to determine amongst themselves who will pay each day. If using AMP Park to pay for parking, passengers may input the driver's vehicle license plate number into their AMP Park account, and share the cost by alternating paying for parking through the app. (You do not need to own the vehicle to list its license plate on your AMP Park account.)
  • Will there be a daily rate discount for registered carpools?
  • No, we will no longer be offering discounts for carpools. Additionally, those who carpool do not need to register with Transportation Services. 
  • Will A zones, which are typically reserved for staff and faculty, remain staff lots once we switch to daily rates?
  • Yes, however, if the demand for A spaces increases, we would adjust the inventories for each rate level to accommodate the shifting demand.  
  • Will time limits still apply to permitted spaces that only allow 1 hour or 2 hours?
  • Yes, these spaces with limited time, and no meter, are paid for by sponsoring departments. Each year we talk with these departments about their reserved time-space needs and costs.
  • Will there still be goClub complimentary parking passes for use?
  • For now, no. With the loss of revenue to fund various subsidies within the goClub, commuter incentives are something we hope to continue. 
  • How will daily rates affect parking for those who drive electric vehicles?
  • Electric vehicle drivers may pay the posted daily rate for EV vehicles. The daily rate includes the time to charge (up to 4 hours) as well as daily parking access in either a C or L zone. No need to pay twice.
    Note: If a charging stall is not available when you need to pay for parking and you pay through ParkMobile, you will see a 4-hour timer. Until further notice, you may ignore this timer and park in a C or L stall until a charging stall becomes available. 
  • What if I don’t use a smartphone and can’t pay for parking using the AMP Park app?
  • If you don’t use a smartphone you may pay for parking online here.
    Note: If you pay for parking at one of our permit dispensers, you will pay the visitor rate and not the daily affiliate rate. 

  • I don't have a calling plan on my smartphone. Will there be wi-fi access in the parking lots?
  • Wi-fi access to the parking facilities is being assessed and enhanced where possible.
  • Where will the permit dispensers be located to pay for daily parking? 
  • We are currently updating our maps, and Cosmo machines are located:
    Pavilion Garage N/W and S/E
    Quad Garage S/W
    Gateway Garage S/W
    - Lot 1
    Lot 5
    Lot 15
    Lot 25
    Lot 47
    Lot 56
    Please note affiliate rates are not available when using the COSMOS (permit-dispensers) machines. 

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FAQ: Permit Requirements and Motorist Assistance

  • When are permits required?
  • Paid permits are required Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Permits are only required on the weekends and University holidays during special events where parking areas with permit requirements will be posted in advance.
  • What motorist assistance services are offered?
  • Transportation Services provides services for vehicles parked on-campus including battery jump, vehicle entry (assistance for registered owners who locked their keys in their car) and tire inflation. These services are provided at no cost. To request Motorist Assistance, call 530-752-8277 M-F from 7am - 9:45pm during the academic year or major events where TS attendants are present.

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FAQ: License Plate Recognition (LPR)

  • What is License Plate Recognition (LPR)?
  • License Plate Recognition, sometimes abbreviated as LPR, is an advanced parking technology that provides virtual permits through a vehicle’s license plate instead of paper permits or plastic hangtags. LPR increases parking efficiency, provides convenience for the parking customer and greatly reduces the amount of paper and plastic waste produced.
  • How does License Plate Recognition technology work?
  • Individuals will register their vehicle plate information into the AMP Park app. The LPR software then combines this information with the individual’s payment and generates a virtual permit linked to that vehicle’s license plate number. When a vehicle parks on campus, the rear license plate is captured by cameras mounted on enforcement vehicles.

    LPR works similar to a supermarket scanner with your license plate functioning as the barcode. When read, the numbers of your plate are automatically referenced against the parking database to verify a valid permit and the proper parking privileges for the lot location. If the license plate and vehicle information are not associated with a valid virtual permit or the vehicle is parked in an inappropriate zone, then the vehicle may be subject to a citation.
  • Why is Transportation Services investing in new parking technology?
  • Transportation Services is investing in technology that will allow us to do our jobs more efficiently and provide solutions for the new intermittent parking needs in the “new normal”. We anticipate that the benefits of the upgrades will bear out in relatively short return on investment. Further, long-term planning efforts to implement LPR on campus have been in the works for many years as a result of a comprehensive transportation study, Transportation Tomorrow. Funding to pay for this technology was earmarked in 2019, prior to COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place mandate.
  • How can LPR benefit me?
  • - LPR eliminates the need to display physical permits and the need to move permits from vehicle-to-vehicle
    - Increased cost effectiveness with the reduction of printed permits and postage fees
    - Upgraded paperless pay stations on campus located along the direct paths of travel away from each lot and the 1st floor of each parking structure
    - Returning to your vehicle to display a paper permit will no longer be necessary
    - Lost or stolen permits and the associated replacement fees, police reports, and processing times will be eliminated
    - No more forgetting your permit, a permit falling from a rearview mirror or being displayed improperly
    - Option of adding credits to your parking meter remotely via the Parkmobile app.
  • How will my license plate information be used? 
  • Your license plate information will be used to check for a valid permission to park on campus. Campus Police 320-45 and California Law restrict the uses for this data. 
  • Will LPR be used for off site campus locations, such as Research Park Drive?
  • Yes. Anywhere Transportation Services checks compliance, we will be using the LPR system to scan vehicles parked on campus.  
  • How does UCPD use license plate data?
  • The UC Davis Police Department only uses LPR data for official law enforcement purposes, including identifying stolen or wanted vehicles, stolen license plates, and missing persons. It may also be used to investigate crimes or vehicles related to credible threats to the university or the community.  Transportation Services maintain access to LPR data by police personnel.
  • How would it work if I back into my parking spot and do not have a front license plate?
  •  A front license plate is mandatory for California-registered vehicles. For those vehicles registered in states where only a rear plate is required, we will sell a plate you can place on your dash for a nominal fee. 
  • I use a car cover which might cover the license plate. Will this be a problem? 
  • We would ask that you keep your license plate exposed. However, the officer can manually enter your license plate information by lifting the cover.

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FAQ: Parking Citations

  • Where can I pay a citation fine?
  • Online: at the Transportation Services' website
    By mail:  Send a check or money order made payable to UC Regents, and mail to UC Davis Transportation Services, One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616.
    In person (or use the after hours drop box) at the following locations: 
  • If I feel I have received a citation without cause, what can I do?
  • You may appeal a citation within 21 days of the issue date of the citation or 14 days from the date a delinquency notice is mailed. To appeal your citation, visit the Transportation Services' Parking Portal by clicking here.
  • What are my options if I receive a parking citation?
  • Within 21 days of receiving a parking citation or 14 days from the date a delinquency notice is mailed, the recipient may:
    1. Pay the citation fine, using the options noted above
    2. Appeal the citation by completing a Request for Citation Review form available at Transportation Services, or online
  • What happens if I do not pay the fine or request a citation review within 21 days?
  • If the fine is not paid or the Request for Citation Review submitted within 7 days from the citation issuance date, a delinquency notice is sent to the registered owner of the vehicle. If the fine is not paid within 14 days of the delinquency notice, the parking fine will double and notice will be sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles to place a hold on the vehicle's registration.
  • How do I contest the decision made by the appeals review committee?
  • A person may request an administrative hearing, either in-person (phone) or by mail, when a citation appeal is denied. If one wishes to pursue an Administrative Hearing, the full amount of the citation fine must first be paid and a "Request for Administrative Hearing" form submitted to Transportation Services within 21 days of the date of the denial of the appeal. A blank copy of the "Request for Administrative Hearing" form is included with the citation appeal denial.

    Note: A request can be made for a waiver of payment of the parking citation fine for the Administrative Hearing due to financial hardship. Documented evidence of financial hardship must be provided to Transportation Services at least two business days before the fine is due. Each request will be considered on its own merits. Please contact Transportation Services at 530-752-8277 or by email for assistance with this process.
  • How is the Administrative Hearing conducted?
  • A person may request either an in-person, virtual (Zoom or Teams), phone, or by-mail hearing. If a hearing is scheduled and the appealing party is unable to attend, they must email Transportation Services to reschedule no later than 2 business days prior to the hearing.

    The Administrative Hearing is an opportunity for you to present your case to the Parking Citation Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer will listen to why you believe the citation should be dismissed, receive any evidence you wish to present, and ask questions about what happened. Keep in mind that the parking citation is considered "prima facie" evidence that the violation occurred (sufficient evidence to uphold the citation unless disproved).

    In addition, the issuing officer shall not be required to be present at the hearing (see California Vehicle Code 40215[b][4]). After presenting your evidence, the Parking Citation Hearing Officer, based upon a preponderance of the evidence, will either uphold the citation or dismiss it. If the hearing is by mail, the decision will be mailed to the individual. If the hearing is in-person, the decision may either be given at the conclusion of the hearing, or it may be sent at a later date.
  • How can I best prepare for the Administrative Hearing?
  • It is to your benefit to prepare for the hearing carefully. Provide all evidence that supports your case. This may include, but is not limited to, photographs, documents, your own testimony, or the testimony of witnesses. Please notify Transportation Services in advance if you wish to bring a witness.

    If you or your witness(es) present written testimony, the following statement should appear at the end of the testimony. "I, (name of person testifying), state that the testimony I have given is true under penalty of perjury." (signature of person testifying) Please keep in mind that the parking citation will not be dismissed, nor will a fine be reduced, simply because it has been appealed. If you wish to prove that your vehicle was not in the location indicated on the citation, please provide evidence to that fact. An unsupported statement is generally not persuasive. Also provide documentation to support any medical excuse or claim of mechanical issues.
  • If my appeal is denied at the Administrative Hearing, can I appeal the citation further?
  • If the citation is upheld as a result of the Administrative hearing, the appealing party may ask for review of the decision by the Yolo County Superior Court within 30 days of the date of the Administrative Hearing decision. (If a waiver of the citation fee was granted earlier, the citation must be paid prior to the request, but no later than 14 days after the notification of the Administrative Hearing decision.) There is a $25 filing fee for review by the Court, however the filing fee and citation amount would be refunded by Transportation Services if the Court dismisses the citation. All materials presented or heard at the Administrative Hearing are forwarded to the Court if an appeal is submitted.

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FAQ: Sustainable Transportation and Parking

  • What is multi-modality?
  • Multi-modality is the idea of using a variety of transportation modes instead of just one. For example, if you drive alone to campus some days, carpool on others, and then telework from home once per week, you are multi-modal (using more than one mode to commute or get to your destinations). You change your commute mode as you see fit and are not restricted to a single commute option.
  • How do daily parking rates work with multi-modality?
  • Wonderfully, in fact. Consider the description of multi-modality above--sometimes driving alone, sometimes carpooling, sometimes working from home. You would pay for parking each time you drive alone. If you’re carpooling with another person, you take turns paying for parking. When you telework (work from home, don’t come to campus), you don’t pay. With daily parking rates, you see immediate savings the day you chose not to drive to campus.
  • I’ve heard Transportation Services use the term “daily choice” when referring to introducing daily rates. Can you explain what it means to have a daily choice?
  • When we say “Daily Choice” we mean that you won’t be locked into an A-, C-, or L-level monthly pricing. If you as a staff member want to park close today, you can pay the A rate on that day. If you are otherwise OK walking a bit more after you park, you can choose to park in a C stall or L stall on other days.
  • Commuting programs don’t seem to include commute options for out-of-town parents with kids. How can daily parking work for working families?
  • As much as we would like to, we can’t guarantee that all commute options are tenable for all people. For example, transit commutes require that you surrender your “on-demand” transportation habits for a cheaper, low-stress commute. You can keep that on-demand feature if you ride a bike to work, but you’ll also travel a lot slower than a motor vehicle, and you may not want to connect multiple errands on a bike commute. For this reason, a lot of parents and caregivers find that their life simply requires them to drive for their commute. And that is OK!

    Our toolbox for sustainability is full of transportation options, but your toolbox includes energy usage, waste management, water usage, and even encouraging others to be more sustainable. If you are the “energy dictator” of your household because you replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs and you tweak the thermostat, you are contributing to the solution! We don’t ever want people to feel ashamed that they’re not commuting in the most sustainable way imaginable. We would only ask that you consider an EV in your next vehicle purchase and appeal to the general understanding that all of your sustainability efforts matter.

  • For electric vehicles paying for daily parking--will there be a separate fee-charging fee applied (similar to the monthly permits)?
  • Electric vehicle drivers may pay the posted daily rate for EV vehicles. The daily rate includes the time to charge (up to 4 hours) as well as daily parking access in either a C or L zone. No need to pay twice.
    Note: If a charging stall is not available when you need to pay for parking and you pay through ParkMobile, you will see a 4-hour timer. Until further notice, you may ignore this timer and park in a C or L stall until a charging stall becomes available. 
  • Will the Causeway Connection expand its hours of operation?
  • This is our hope and expectation. Due to the pandemic, the Causeway Connection launched with only a 10-trip per day schedule (out of the intended 52 trips per day!). As utilization increased, so did the trips. We are now at 30 trips per day.
  • Are there plans to offer a light-rail connection between Sacramento and Davis? 
  • We know that SacRT is planning to expand its light rail system into Yolo County, and there is little question that we would welcome its arrival in Davis or at the UC Davis Campus, but we don’t know any immediate plan to connect Sacramento and Davis via light rail.
  • Will pre-tax deduction be available to employees who want to pay for daily parking? 
  • Yes, more information about the exact process will be coming out in Spring 2021.
  • My job and those of most of my coworkers cannot be done remotely. What happens for those of us who cannot (or will not) bike or use carpool or transit options?
  • The daily rate pricing has been initially based on the monthly permit fees. So those who cannot participate in alternative transportation modes would not be penalized by daily fees. However, one would still reap the benefits of not having to pay to park when they take a day off or are not able to come to campus (i.e. you pay to park per day, not per month).

    Further, the majority of our Transportation Tomorrow Forum discussion focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from commuter travel via vehicle trip reduction. What we didn’t cover in the forum (and we hope we can in the future) is the role of using sustainable fuels in a sustainable commute. We see a hierarchy of preferred commute options:

    Remote Work
    EV Carpool
    Any other carpool
    EV Drive Alone

    Drive alone
    ​​Notice the addition of EV (Electric Vehicles). If you must drive to work, have the ability to charge an EV at home, and are in the market for a new vehicle, we ask that you consider going with an EV or at least a plug-in hybrid as your new vehicle. The UC Davis Plugin-Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Research Center lists a number of purchase and lease incentives for UC Davis affiliates and also has a wonderful utility to help you decide if such a vehicle is right for you. 

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FAQ: Parking Reciprocity

  • What is UC Reciprocity as it relates to parking?
  • The University of California campuses offer reciprocity to faculty and staff allowing those employed within the UC system to park on sister campuses. Each campus has a unique set of circumstances relating to various parking issues (parking spaces available, various rates, access by the gate, kiosks, specifically designated lots, etc.). Please check with the parking office of the sister campus you wish to visit for details on parking.
  • What's the purpose of reciprocity?
  • Reciprocity among the UC campuses is for the purpose of expediting university business conducted by the faculty or staff member at the host campus and is valid for no more than five consecutive days. If an employee from another UC campus is working or teaching for a period longer than five days, a permit purchase may be required. 
  • Is there Reciprocity with the UC Davis Health Campus?
  • Reciprocity was discontinued in January 2022 and replaced with dual access daily parking and monthly dual access for UC Davis Health employees.  UC Davis Health B and D long-term permit holders will be able to utilize their permits with a pre-registered vehicle to allow for occasional parking in the UC Davis campus C zones only.  UC Davis ParkMobile paying employees (Daily A and C only), or retirees may contact the UC Davis Health Parking office for more details about parking on their campus. There is a dual access permit available on ParkMobile please use zone 35800 or 35801.    CH permits are valid on both campuses.  

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FAQ: Bicycle Auction

  • Where do you get the bicycles up for auction?
  • The Bicycle Program regularly patrols campus and tags (with a bright official notice) any bicycle that appears to be abandoned. Once tagged, owners are given 48 hours to remove their bicycle, or contact us requesting a delay so they can repair it or remove it later. Upon a follow-up inspection bicycles not removed are impounded for 90 days. Registered owners are contacted with information about collection when possible. Every bike released must be registered (fee applies) and have an impound fee paid.
  • What are the main reasons bicycles are abandoned?
  • Bicycles that are not working well are the most likely to be abandoned by owners. Squeaky chains, loose brakes, flat tires, and lost keys for locks are all common reasons an owner might choose to walk away from their bicycle. 
  • Do you try to get in touch with the owners of the bicycles?
  • Absolutely! The Bicycle Program follows up with owners of registered bicycles within 24 hours and transfer all the serial numbers to UCDPD for vetting, holding the bicycles for 90 days. Registration is proof of ownership and non-registered bicycles are difficult to reunite with owners as they require proof of purchase or recent photos with the unlocked bicycle to sufficiently prove ownership. All bicycles released are required to be registered prior to their release.
  • Where does the money from the bicycle auction go?
  • All money from the auction goes back to the Bicycle Program and helps create jobs for students. Our student workers are often the ones helping to clear the racks of abandoned bicycles so the campus community can have space to park their bicycles.
  • Can I see the bicycles before I bid?
  • Definitely. Select a few bikes (no more than six) that you’d like to view, and email bikeprogram@ucdavis.edu with those bike IDs (or auction links). We’ll setup an appointment for you to view them (no touching!) so you can make better informed bids.
  • Can I just buy an abandoned bicycle from Transportation Services outside of the auction?
  • Unfortunately, no. It is against our policy (and state law) for us to sell bicycles outright. This is to eliminate the potential for preferential treatment and give everyone a fair and equal opportunity to get a bike.

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FAQ: Bicycle Program

  • Where can I get a bicycle license?
  • Start by going to www.bikeindex.org/ucdavis
    • Complete your registration with BikeIndex online then contact the Bicycle Program to verify your registration and get your registration sticker.
  • How much does a bicycle license cost?
  • A new license is $12 and valid in perpetuity. 
  • Is a bicycle license required by law?
  • All bicycles operated on the UC Davis campus must have a valid University issued bicycle license. The City of Davis has no mandatory bike license ordinance, but many cities and college campuses in California do.
  • Why should I license my bicycle?
  • Besides being required on campus, bike registration has proven very effective in recovering stolen and missing bikes in Davis. The University Police Department has a much higher recovery rate of stolen bikes than probably any other law enforcement agency in the state. A primary reason for this is the high level of registration in Davis. A bicycle license can serve as a means of identifying bike accident victims, particularly in the case of children who carry no form of identification.
  • How does bicycle licensing improve my chances of getting my stolen bicycle back?
  • By licensing your bicycle, it becomes entered into a universally adopted system of identification, recovery and notification. Even if you lose your copy of the registration, it's available online (BikeIndex.org) and Transportation Services will have the bike description, including license and serial numbers, available to provide to your local police. The police will then enter this information into a state-wide database of stolen bikes.
  • When and where is the next bicycle auction?
  • Transportation Services hosts two bicycle auctions annually, one in the fall and one in the spring. Usually the spring auction is the first Saturday in May. The fall auction is usually the second Saturday in October. However, you should call 530-752-BIKE to confirm these dates. You may view the bikes and other items to be sold ONLY on the day of the auction from 8-9a.m.

    The auction takes place in the Pavilion Parking Structure at the intersection of Hutchison Drive and Dairy Road. If you are coming to the auction from Interstate 80, take the Hwy. 113 exit north, exit Hutchison Drive, University of California. Stay on Hutchison Drive and follow the special signs to convenient parking and directions to the auction site. Parking for the auction is free.

    You are strongly encouraged to arrive early for viewing, as the inspection area can get very crowded. After 9a.m. you will only see each bike as it is brought out to be bid on. The bikes are numbered in the order they will come up for sale. Bring a paper and pencil to take notes on the bikes that interest you during the preview.
  • What can I expect to find at the bicycle auction?
  • Transportation Services usually has over 300 bikes for sale, which come from a variety of sources. Most are bikes which have been impounded as abandoned. Some are bikes which were confiscated for parking violations and never claimed by their owners. A few are donated by individuals. All have been in University possession for at least 90 days, and if registered with a California Bicycle License, attempts to contact owners have been made. Most of the bikes are "fixer-uppers"; no attempt is made to fix, maintain, or refurbish any of the bikes, and all items are sold "as is".
  • What are your payment terms at the bicycle auction?
  • We accept checks with proper I.D. or Visa or Mastercard. All items are subject to sales tax, except for those buyers with valid resale licenses who are exempt from such tax.
  • Where does the bicycle auction revenue go? 
  • The auction proceeds go to support the UC Davis Bicycle Program whose mission is to maintain and encourage the popular and beneficial use of bicycles as an important mode of transportation to, from and on the UC Davis campus by providing the campus community with a safe, secure, and efficient cycling environment in response to customer needs and expectations.

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FAQ: Bicycle Registration (License)

  • Why do I need to register my bicycle? What does a registration do?
  • Registering your bicycle is proof that the bicycle belongs to you. A university issued registration creates a paper trail and is in fact a legal document connecting you to your bicycle. In the event your bicycle is impounded or stolen, having your bicycle registered/licensed increases the probability that law enforcement officials can reunite you with your bicycle. Additionally, any secondary markets, ones in which thieves rely on to sell stolen bicycles, cannot legally sell a bicycle that has been registered without first making a good faith effort to return the recovered bicycle to its registered owner. In other words, a licensed bicycle turns thieves off.
  • How does registering my bicycle improve my chances of getting my stolen bicycle back?
  • You're more likely to recover your stolen bicycle if it is registered, than if it is not registered. By licensing your bike, it is entered into a region-wide system of identification, recovery and notification. Even if you lose your copy of the registration, Transportation Services will have the bicycle's description, including license and serial numbers, available to provide to local police so long as your registration is current. The police will then enter this information into a state-wide database of stolen bike.
  • Can thieves still steal my bicycle even if it is licensed?
  • Yes, but it's more likely that they'll steal a bicycle that does not have a visible bicycle license. To a thief, a visible bicycle license sticker means more work for them to make a clean getaway and a clean sale. It would require that they, first, remove the sticker (not as easy as it sounds), as well as file down the serial number. Plus, there’s the added pressure knowing that the owner is likely going to report the bicycle missing, which means law enforcement officials will be looking for the bicycle’s make and model.

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FAQ: Special Event Parking

  • What is the difference between a one day Departmental Guest Permit and a Conference Permit?
  • Unlike Departmental Guest Permits, unused Conference Permits may be returned for a refund, less a nominal charge.  This option is recommended for large conferences where the expected turnout is unknown, or when parking is needed for more than one date.  Unused permits that are not returned within two weeks of the event would be recharged at the current daily visitor permit rate.
  • Where can buses park after dropping off clients? 
  • Depending on space availability and number of requests, buses may park at the UC Davis - ASUCD Unitrans facility fee-free on weekdays from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (view guidelines here). Please contact Unitrans at 530-752-4560 or unitrans@ucdavis.edu to make arrangements in advance. Any loading/unloading or parking outside the Unitrans facility must be approved by Transportation Services in advance. To request approval, please email parking@ucdavis.edu with your event details (name, date, time, location) and the number of expected buses and attendees.
  • What do I tell people who plan to arrive in a RV and want to know where they can park?
  • RVs are not allowed to park on campus overnight unless an exception has been granted by Transportation Services. During the day, RV owners may purchase a permit for each space they utilize, and park in Lot 30. For more information, call Transportation Services at 530-752-8277.

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